Saturday, May 19, 2007

today i hunged(hehe) out with my buddy Trisha and Gracie came to town for today and part of tomorrow!!! i havent seen her in for a long long... time. anyways, i was hanging out with trisha 2day outside all day. it was really fun tho. We jumped on the trampoline alot, and ate jellybeans!!! lol!!!!!!!! ooo i almost 4 got... me and my brother made a new invention!!!! one person stands on the pegs of a bike while the other person drives it, and the person on the pegs holds up the pop can in front of the drivers face, and when the driver needs a drink the person on the pegs gives them one!!! it rox!!!! especially when u go over bumps cus then u drop it on the driver. and when the driver is ur brother... ITS FUNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!! well c ya ppls

Monday, May 7, 2007

Monday May 07, 2007

Hey ppls!!!!! i dont have alot to talk about so im just gonna say hi!!!!! i finally got over Mike!!! i realized dat if he h8s me this much, he must not b worth it! he just needed to realize dat nobody is going to luv him as much as i do... or well, as much as i did. im over him tho. i still wanna b friends tho. It hurt me so much, but i guess im ok now. we've gone out 14 times so we might eventually go out again, but idk. well c ya

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Saturday May 05, 2007

I GOT CONTACTS!!! YAY!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY!! i'm just on a trial pair so they're not colored or anything. But still... YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways... i decided that i wanted to make a list of things i want to do b4 i die, so here it goes:
1.Marry a really nice guy that everyone likes and thinks is the right guy.
2.Have two kids named cadence marie, and john arthur(named after my dad).
3.Become a famous singer, or just get a really good job(that pays good)
4.See my mom get a better job so she can stop being sad!
5. Go skydiving
6. Be the bride'smaid at my bestest friends' weddings
7. See my brother get married and have kids
8.Write an award winning novel
9. Be in American Idol, or American Juniors(wichever one comes first for me)
10.Become a grandma
11. turn 84 and get chrome spinners and hydrolics for my Corvette
12.C technology get more awesomer so people wont b drool monkeys dat say awesomer
13.Take smores, and easy cheese(not together! eww) to the next level
And most of all... i want god to come back to earth and help us drool monkeys b4 i die

Saturday May 05, 2007

The funniest thing dat ever happened to me is kinda embarrassing, but o well. ANyways. My aunt just had bought a brand new really white carpet. I was like 13 months old, and i just walked half way across her carpet and pooped on it. Then my aunt was like HOLY CRAP! SHE JUST POOPED ON MY CARPET! Then i got up and laffed. dat was the funniest thing i can think of dat i have ever done. Well -peace-

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Thursday May 03 2007

Today, i had art! i hate art. Where i used to go to skool tho... THEY DONT HAVE ART AT ALL! lucky son of a buckets! grrrrrr. lol.anyways, i have to make a dragon out of clay. People have stolen my dragon 4 times, and all of the clay has fallen off of it 2 times.AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! i'm mad tho! grrrrrrr. ur scared now anyways, 2day was my last day 2 finish it, and i almost got done completely. YAY!!!!! anyways, other than dat, i told my friend dat i used to like dis kid in our class... AND SHE TOLD EVERYBODY!!!!! everybody in my skool(dat actually cares) knows now, and they keep goin up to me and saying so how r u and(...). His name is Justin. I dont like him no more tho. lol. anyways, i do like a kid from where i used to live, and i'm not gonna tell u who he is. U WUDNT NO HIM ANYWAYS LOL!!!!!!!!!!! well -peace-

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Wednesday May 02 2007

Today, I helped some 3rd graders do a dance for the talent show. Their dance is better than me and my friend's! Even tho our's is just for a percussion group. lol. Anyways other than that, i have done nothing else. I gtg but i luvv u all! yay 4 corniness. lol -peace-